
Unknown parallel universe uses Debian

Unknown parallel universe uses Debian

On Sat 01 April 2017
with tags debian announce

Written by Debian Publicity Team


This post was an April Fools’ Day joke.

The space agencies running the International Space Station

reported that a laptop accidentally threw to space as waste in 2013 from
the International State Station may have connected with a parallel Universe.
This laptop was running Debian 6
and the ISS engineers managed to track its travel
through the outer space. In early January, the laptop signal was lost
but recovered back two weeks later in the same place. ISS engineers
suspect that the laptop may had met and crossed a
wormhole arriving a parallel
Universe from where “somebody” sent it back later.

Eventually the laptop was recovered and in an first analysis the ISS
engineers found that the laptop have a dual boot: a partition running
the Debian installation made by them and a second partition running
what seems to be a Debian fork or
derivative totally unknown
until now.

The engineers have been in contact with the Debian Project in the last
weeks and a Debian group formed with delegates from different Debian
teams have begun to study this new Debian derivative system. From the
early results of this research, we can proudly say that somebody (or a
group of beings) in a parallel universe understand Earth computers,
and Debian, enough to:

  • Clone the existing Debian system in a new partition and provide a
    dual boot using Grub.
  • Change the desktop wallpaper from the previous
    Spacefun theme
    to one in rainbow colors.
  • Fork all the packages whose
    source code was present in the initial
    Debian system, patch multiple bugs in those packages and some patches
    more for some tricky security problems.
  • Add ten new language locales that do not correspond to any language
    spoken in Earth, with full translation for four of them.
  • A copy of
    the Debian website repository,
    migrated to the git version control system and perfectly running,
    has been found in the /home/earth0/Documents folder. This new repo
    includes code to show the Debian micronews
    in the home page and many other improvements, keeping the style of not needing
    JavaScript and providing a nice control of up-to-date/outdated
    translations, similar to the one existing in Debian.

The work towards knowing better this new Universe and find a way to
communicate with them has just began; all the Debian users and
contributors are invited to join the effort to study the operating
system found. We want to prepare our Community and our Universe to
live and work peacefully and respectfully with the parallel Universe
communities, in the true spirit of Free Software.

In the following weeks a General Resolution will be proposed for
updating our motto to “the multiversal operating system”.

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