
[Testing Update] 2024-09-13 – TBD – Testing Updates

[Testing Update] 2024-09-13 – TBD – Testing Updates

Simply don’t update yet … watch the space to slow down!

Upstream packages

Overlay packages


Known issues and solutions

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Please RTFT (Read This Fine Thread) first before reporting the same issues over and over again!

Note: Do not forget to review your .pacnew files:

:information_source: 2024-09-09

Added by @linux-arhus

System freeze on suspend

A feature in systemd 256 freezing a user session when suspending may freeze the system.

The issue is most prominent with Nvidia systems but reports exist that it may affect other systems as well.

A workaround for this is to create a override config




:arrow_right: 2024-09-13


pulseaudio-ctl requires pulseaudio and is not compatible with pipewire

If one is using PipeWire, one will need to remove pulseaudio-ctl if prompted during the update as it’s only compatible with pulseaudio


:warning: Linux 6.9 is EOL

Linux 6.9 is EOL and will – at some point – be removed from the repo.

Suggestion is to install latest LTS to be sure

sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux66


Nvidia driver downgrade

Nvidia drivers got downgraded to 550.100, therefore update with sudo pacman -Syuu. If you want to stay on the 555 driver series you may either switch to unstable or install nvidia-dkms via: sudo pacman -U https://mirror.easyname.at/manjaro/pool/overlay/nvidia-dkms-555.58.02-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst. More info about Nvidia drivers here:

555 release feedback & discussion – Linux – NVIDIA Developer Forums
550.78 release feedback & discussion thread – Linux – NVIDIA Developer Forums


The sshd service needs to be restarted after upgrading to openssh-9.8p1

2024-07-01 – Robin Candau

After upgrading to openssh-9.8p1, the existing SSH daemon will be unable to accept new connections (see Can’t login after openssh 9.8p1-1 upgrade, MUST restart sshd (#5) · Issues · Arch Linux / Packaging / Packages / openssh · GitLab).
When upgrading remote hosts, please make sure to restart the sshd service using systemctl try-restart sshd right after upgrading.

We are evaluating the possibility to automatically apply a restart of the sshd service on upgrade in a future release of the openssh-9.8p1 package.

Arch Linux – News: The sshd service needs to be restarted after upgrading to openssh-9.8p1

Previous testing threads:

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Oh no, I went ahead and updated this morning (should have checked here first!). Am I going to have issues later when I try to update again?



IMHO; If your system is working fine for now, awesome. Expect package updates later. If no package updates later, then you did a full update and we’re just waiting for Phil to update the OP.

FROM NOW ON, while on a non-Stable Branch, check here first before you accidentally leave yourself with a non-booting system.


I wish I had read this first. I had to do a Timeshift roll back from the command line. Damn.

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Welcome to the world of Testing where packages as well as your ability to recover are tested :smiley:


I have, on a more than one occasion, taken a gamble. Luckily, this wasn’t one of those occasions. It’s no biggie for me, though, I’m swimming in backups.


I accidentally upgraded. lol
This is a BTRFS installation for testing purposes. testing branch.

It rebooted successfully. I’m taking separate backups and snapshots (btrfs), so I don’t really care.

It contains grub-2.12-6-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst.
I boot grub from the main one (ext4 stable branch), so it doesn’t affect me in this case.

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