
Integrating Tesla Vehicles with APRS-IS Using Tesla-APRS

Integrating Tesla Vehicles with APRS-IS Using Tesla-APRS


Amateur radio enthusiasts have used the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) for decades to transmit real-time information such as location, weather data, and messaging over radio frequencies and the internet. Integrating APRS with modern vehicles like Teslas brings a unique blend of traditional and contemporary technology, offering both practical and recreational uses. The Tesla-APRS project on GitHub, created by a user named “nonoo,” facilitates this integration by enabling Tesla owners to broadcast their car’s location and status to the APRS-IS network.

This blog post provides an in-depth look into the Tesla-APRS project, guiding you through its setup, key features, potential applications, and important considerations.

What is APRS and Why Integrate it with Tesla?

APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) is a real-time digital communication protocol used widely in amateur radio. It allows users to share information like GPS coordinates, weather conditions, and messaging over radio frequencies and the APRS Internet Service (APRS-IS). This makes it an invaluable tool for public services, emergency communications, and even casual tracking among radio enthusiasts.

On the other hand, Tesla vehicles are equipped with sophisticated telemetry systems capable of providing a range of data points, from real-time GPS coordinates to battery levels and vehicle speed. Integrating these two technologies enables Tesla owners who are also radio amateurs to leverage APRS for vehicle tracking, especially in areas where cellular networks are unavailable or unreliable.

Tesla-APRS: A Bridge Between Two Technologies

The Tesla-APRS project bridges the gap between Tesla’s advanced vehicle data systems and the APRS-IS network. Built using Python, this tool allows Tesla owners to send real-time location data and vehicle status to the APRS network, facilitating easy and continuous monitoring of their vehicle’s position on APRS mapping services. Some of the main features of this project include:

  1. Real-Time Location Tracking: Tesla-APRS periodically sends the vehicle’s location to the APRS-IS network, making it visible on popular APRS mapping platforms like aprs.fi.
  2. Status Updates: In addition to location, it can transmit the vehicle’s status, such as speed, battery charge, and other critical data points. This feature is particularly useful for those who need comprehensive monitoring capabilities.
  3. Customizable Setup: Users can customize the frequency of data updates and the types of information sent. The system is flexible, allowing for personalization based on specific requirements.
  4. Python-Based Implementation: Written in Python, the project is relatively easy to set up and maintain, especially for those with some programming knowledge. Moreover, it comes with Docker support, simplifying deployment in isolated environments.
  5. Secure and Efficient: The Tesla-APRS project requires users to generate a Tesla refresh token for secure communication with the Tesla API. This method prevents the need to handle sensitive login credentials directly.

Getting Started with Tesla-APRS

Setting up Tesla-APRS is straightforward, but there are several steps involved to ensure it functions correctly. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started:

  1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning the Tesla-APRS repository from GitHub to your local machine using the command: git clone https://github.com/nonoo/tesla-aprs.git cd tesla-aprs
  2. Set Up a Python Virtual Environment: It’s advisable to use a Python virtual environment to avoid conflicts with system-wide packages. Run the following commands: python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate # For Linux/MacOS
  3. Install Dependencies: Use pip to install the required Python libraries specified in requirements.txt: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Generate a Tesla API Refresh Token: You need a refresh token to authenticate with Tesla’s API. Several third-party tools can generate this token, including mobile apps or browser extensions.
  5. Configure Environment Variables: Set up necessary environment variables like your Tesla account email, APRS callsign, and the generated Tesla refresh token. You can configure these variables directly in the terminal or add them to a .env file for convenience.
  6. Run the Main Script: Once everything is configured, run the main Python script to start sending location updates to the APRS-IS network: python main.py -e [email protected] -c YOUR_CALLSIGN

You can adjust various command-line arguments to control the update frequency, specify a custom message, and more.

Potential Use Cases for Tesla-APRS

  1. Emergency and Public Service Events: Amateur radio operators often volunteer their services during emergencies. With Tesla-APRS, a Tesla vehicle can serve as a mobile station, providing real-time location data to support coordination efforts.
  2. Caravans, Rallies, and Group Activities: For groups of Tesla owners or mixed vehicle groups where some use APRS, Tesla-APRS allows seamless integration of a Tesla into existing APRS tracking systems, enhancing safety and coordination during events like road rallies or group camping trips.
  3. Security and Recovery: In case of theft or other security concerns, Tesla-APRS can provide a secondary method of tracking a vehicle’s location through amateur radio networks, which might not be easily disrupted.
  4. Integration with Other Amateur Radio Tools: Tesla-APRS data can be visualized using various tools and devices commonly used in amateur radio setups, making it a versatile addition to any ham radio enthusiast’s toolkit.

Challenges and Considerations

While the Tesla-APRS integration offers many exciting features, there are a few important points to consider:

  • Privacy Concerns: Broadcasting real-time vehicle data to a public network like APRS-IS can have privacy implications. Users should be aware of who can access this data and use it responsibly.
  • APRS-IS Policies: Be mindful of APRS-IS network policies. Sending too frequent updates or irrelevant data may violate these rules.
  • Third-Party Dependencies: The requirement to generate a Tesla refresh token using third-party tools means users must trust these tools with their authentication data. Ensure you use reputable applications to maintain security.
  • Learning Curve: Setting up Tesla-APRS may require some technical skills, especially if you are unfamiliar with Python, Docker, or the APRS protocol. However, the GitHub repository provides detailed documentation to assist with the setup process.


Tesla-APRS is a powerful tool for combining the innovative technology of Tesla vehicles with the robust communication capabilities of the APRS network. It offers a unique way to track and monitor Tesla vehicles, making it a valuable resource for amateur radio operators who are also Tesla owners. With practical applications ranging from public service to personal security, Tesla-APRS represents a modern fusion of old and new technologies, expanding the possibilities of both.

To explore more about this project and to get started, visit the Tesla-APRS repository on GitHub at github.com/nonoo/tesla-aprs. Happy tracking!

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