
Help empower the Debian Outreach Program for Women

Help empower the Debian Outreach Program for Women

On Thu 16 October 2014
with tags opw

Written by Tom Marble

Debian is thrilled to participate in the 9th round of
the GNOME FOSS Outreach Program.
While OPW is similar to
Google Summer of Code it has
a winter session in addition to a summer session and is
open to non-students.

Back at DebConf 14 several of us
decided to volunteer because we want to increase diversity in Debian.
Shortly thereafter the DPL announced
Debian’s participation in OPW 2014.

We have reached out to several corporate sponsors and are thrilled
that so far Intel has agreed to fund an intern slot (in addition to the slot
offered by the DPL)! While that makes two funded slots we have
a third sponsor that has offered a challenge match: for each dollar donated
by an individual to Debian the sponsor will donate another dollar for
Debian OPW.

This is where we need your help! If we can raise $3,125 by October 22
that means we can mentor a third intern ($6,250). Please
spread the word and donate today if you can at: http://debian.ch/opw2014/

If you’d like to participate as intern, the application deadline is
the same (October 22nd). You can find out more on the Debian Wiki.

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