Fix Fedora IPU6 kernel >= 6.5 not working on Dell laptops: hansdegoede — LiveJournal
There is an issue with the rpmfusion packaged IPU6 camera stack for Fedora is not working on many Dell laptop models after upgrading the kernel to a 6.5.y kernel.
This is caused by a new mainline ov0a10 sensor driver which takes precedence over the akmod ov0a10 driver but lacks VSC integration.
This can be worked around by running the following command:
sudo rm /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/media/i2c/ov01a10.ko.xz; sudo depmod -a
After the rm + depmod run:
sudo rmmod ov01a10; sudo modprobe ov01a10
Or reboot. After this your camera will hopefully work again.
I have submitted a pull-request to disable the mainline kernel’s non working ov01a10 driver, so after the next Fedora kernel update this workaround should no longer be necessary.