
Debian turns 29! – Bits from Debian

Debian turns 29! – Bits from Debian

On Tue 16 August 2022
with tags debian birthday

Written by Laura Arjona Reina

Artwork by Juliette Taka


Today is Debian’s 29th anniversary. We recently wrote
about some ideas to celebrate the DebianDay,
and several events have been planned in more than 14 locations.
You can join the party or organise something yourselves too!

Today is also an opportunity for you to start or resume your
contributions to Debian. For example, you can have a look at our
list of Debian Teams,
install the how-can-i-help package
and see if there is a bug in any of the software that you use that you can help to fix,
start designing your artwork candidate for the next release,
contribute small tips on how to install Debian
on your machines to our wiki pages https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/,
or put a Debian live image in an USB memory
and give it to some person near you, who still didn’t discover Debian.

Our favorite operating system is the result of all the work we do together.
Thanks to everybody who has contributed in these 29 years, and happy birthday Debian!

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