
Debian celebrates 26 years, Happy DebianDay!

Debian celebrates 26 years, Happy DebianDay!

On Fri 16 August 2019
with tags debian birthday

Written by Donald Norwood

26 years ago today in a single post to the comp.os.linux.development newsgroup,
Ian Murdock announced the completion of a brand new Linux release named Debian.

Since that day we’ve been into outer space, typed over 1,288,688,830 lines of
code, spawned over 300 derivatives, were enhanced with 6,155
known contributors, and filed over 975,619 bug reports.

We are home to a community of thousands of users around the globe, we gather to
host our annual Debian Developers Conference DebConf
which spans the world in a different country each year, and of course today’s
many DebianDay celebrations held around the world.

It’s not too late to throw an impromptu DebianDay celebration or to go and join
one of the many celebrations already underway.

As we celebrate our own anniversary, we also want to celebrate our many
contributors, developers, teams, groups, maintainers, and users. It is all of
your effort, support, and drive that continue to make Debian
truly: The universal operating system.

Happy DebianDay!

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