
Debian Perl Sprint 2016 – Bits from Debian

Debian Perl Sprint 2016 – Bits from Debian

On Wed 06 July 2016
with tags perl sprint

Written by Alex Muntada

Six members of the Debian Perl team met in Zurich over the weekend from May 19 to May 22 to continue the development around perl for Stretch and to work on QA across 3000+ packages.

The participants had a good time, met friends from local groups and even found some geocaches. Obviously, the sprint was productive this time too:

  • 36 bugs were filed or worked on, 28 uploads were accepted.
  • The plan to get Perl 5.24 transition into Stretch was confirmed, and a test rebuild server was set up.
  • Cross building XS modules was demoed, and the conditions where it is viable were discussed.
  • Several improvements were made in the team packaging tools, and new features were discussed and drafted.
  • A talk on downstream distribution aimed at CPAN authors was proposed for YAPC::EU 2016.

The full report was posted to the relevant Debian mailing lists.

The participants would like to thank the ETH Zurich for hosting us, and all donors to the Debian project who helped to cover a large part of our expenses.

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