
[Unstable Update] February 2024 Edition – Unstable Updates

[Unstable Update] February 2024 Edition – Unstable Updates

Welcome to the new monthly unstable branch thread.

Note that due to some of the team attending FOSDEM 2024 this weekend, updates may be delayed until they return.

Noticeable Package changes so far

We do a rough comparison to our testing branch and will update it either weekly or when we do a testing snap.

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For help with AUR packages, please create a new topic in AUR and a helpful volunteer may be able to assist you.

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Just had kernel updates for both 6.6 and 6.7. I’m using nvidia-dkms and neither kernel would build the nvidia-dkms.I tried to reinstall nvidia-dkms and it still didn’t rebuild.I went ahead and rebooted to a black screen trying both kernels.I’ll try and use timeshift to go back to yesterday until the issue is fixed.

I learned a long time ago that whenever there’s some kind of error with a kernel update that you should not reboot until it’s solved (although it’s okay to reboot if you have a kernel installed that wasn’t affected).

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I know I should have not rebooted I know better.I used timeshift and restored and it’s working.The kernels and kernel-headers are all thats showing in updates so I’ll wait awhile before trying again.

Hi @straycat ,

May You please post your mkinitcpio.conf please?

You can access it in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

What’s your graphic card?

Wish You well

Guessing and knowledge are different things.

May be the author asks the exact model, not only a GPU’s brand name.
Also it may be the case with 2 cards in use: iGPU + dGPU.

So, Freggel, your idea to highlight the excerpts could be incorrect. May be it should be nothing to note here at this point of discussion.

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All true.
I’ll try to refrain from using humor every now and then.

Lastly, there’s this:

Build problems don’t depend on exact make or model of any graphics card AFAIK.

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I’ll add the necessary patch. The precompiled linux6X-nvidia and linux6X-nvidia-470xx modules already include it.

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@Yochanan ,

I think the @straycat problem’ come from the mkinitcpio.conf
I’m waiting for him to share it here that way I may help him to make some modifications and success the last updates.

Wish You well

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