
How To Make PDF on Ubuntu

How To Make PDF on Ubuntu

This tutorial will help you create PDF documents on Ubuntu computer with default applications. You can do so using LibreOffice (full set consisted of Writer, Calc and Impress) and Firefox. You can do this quickly without adding any new application. Now let’s try it out! 

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Firstly, to read a PDF document, double click it and it will open in Document Viewer (Evince) on Ubuntu. Alternatively, PDF can be viewed using Mozilla Firefox by going to menu Open or simply drag-and-dropping it into.

(PDF being read using Document Viewer, notice the left sidebar)


(PDF being read using Firefox, with left sidebar showing table of contents)


1. Write or open a document in Writer.

Note: any document format that can be opened with LibreOffice can be exported to PDF.

2. Save document.

3. Click PDF button next to Printer on the toolbar. (See choice number 1)

You can also do it from menu File -> Export As -> Export as PDF.  (See choice number 2 in picture below)

4. A window will open and navigate the location to save the PDF.

5. Export/Save and PDF created.

6. Do steps number 1-5 for other documents in Calc, Impress, Draw and Math. 



1. Visit a website in Firefox.

2. Go to menu -> Print (Ctrl+P) -> Printing dialog will show.

3. Select Save to PDF to the printer option on top.

4. Save. 

5. A dialog will show and navigate the location to save the PDF. 

6. PDF created.



Collection of Calc (Excel Alternative) Tutorials with Exercises

Collection of Writer (Word Alternative) Tutorials with Exercises

Quick Exercises to Learn Writer

Quick Exercises to Learn Calc

Quick Exercise to Learn Impress


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