
DebConf17 Open Day – Bits from Debian

DebConf17 Open Day – Bits from Debian

On Sat 05 August 2017
with tags debconf17 debconf openday

Written by Laura Arjona Reina

Today, the day preceeding the official start of the annual Debian
Conference, is the Open Day at DebConf17,
at Collège Maisonneuve
in Montreal (Canada).

This day is open to the public with events of interest to a wide audience.

The schedule of today’s events include, among others:

  • A Newbie’s Newbie Guide to Debian
  • Ask Anything About Debian
  • Debian Packaging 101
  • Debian InstallFest
  • Presentations or workshops related to free software projects and local organizations.

Everyone is welcome to attend! It is a great possibility for interested users
to meet our community and for Debian to widen our community.

See the full schedule for today’s events at

If you want to engage remotely, you can watch the
video streaming
of the Open Day events happening in the “Rex” room,
or join the conversation in the channels
#debconf17-potato and
in the OFTC IRC network.

DebConf is committed to a safe and welcome environment for all participants.
See the DebConf Code of Conduct
and the Debian Code of Conduct for more details on this.

Debian thanks the commitment of numerous sponsors
to support DebConf17, particularly our Platinum Sponsors
Savoir-Faire Linux,
Hewlett Packard Enterprise,
and Google.

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