
DebConf17 starts today in Montreal

DebConf17 starts today in Montreal

On Sun 06 August 2017
with tags debconf17 debconf

Written by Laura Arjona Reina

DebConf17, the 18th annual
Debian Conference, is taking place in Montreal, Canada
from August 6 to August 12, 2017.

Debian contributors from all over the world have come together at
Collège Maisonneuve
during the preceding week for DebCamp (focused on individual work
and team sprints for in-person collaboration developing Debian),
and the Open Day on August 5th (with presentations and workshops
of interest to a wide audience).

Today the main conference starts with nearly 400 attendants
and over 120 activities scheduled,
including 45- and 20-minute talks and team meetings,
workshops, a job fair, talks from invited speakers,
as well as a variety of other events.

The full schedule at
is updated every day, including activities planned ad-hoc
by attendees during the whole conference.

If you want to engage remotely, you can follow the
video streaming
of the events happening in the three talk rooms:
Buzz (the main auditorium), Rex, and Bo,
or join the conversation about what is happening
in the talk rooms:
#debconf17-rex and
and the BoF (discussions) rooms: #debconf17-potato
and #debconf17-woody
(all those channels in the OFTC IRC network).

DebConf is committed to a safe and welcome environment for all participants.
See the DebConf Code of Conduct
and the Debian Code of Conduct for more details on this.

Debian thanks the commitment of numerous sponsors
to support DebConf17, particularly our Platinum Sponsors
Savoir-Faire Linux,
Hewlett Packard Enterprise,
and Google.

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