
Updates to my mod-nginx-proxy replacement script in Python

Updates to my mod-nginx-proxy replacement script in Python

So in my quest to replace my modified-nginx network-wide proxy service with a Python script, I was interested to see what kind of performance I could achieve without having to write the whole thing in C this time. So far, the networking performance has been pretty good after I was able to iron out some connection tracking state issues. I then started looking into making it multi-threaded to help manage a large number of connections in parallel and I came across potential limitations related to the Global Interpreter Lock in Python. This then directed me to the multi-processing capabilities in Python and the ability to lock and share memory variables and values which reminded me of the old-school c-type variable definitions that I enjoy working with. Anyway, I tried to implement my first multi-process shared-variable class which should allow for locking data reads/writes between processes or threads. Because of this functionality and capability in Python, I was able to transform my proxy script to now allow for various processing modes (loop, thread, process) and buffer types (shared, piped).

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