
Debian Perl Sprint 2018 – Bits from Debian

Debian Perl Sprint 2018 – Bits from Debian

On Wed 27 June 2018
with tags perl sprint hh2018

Written by Dominic Hargreaves

Three members of the Debian Perl team met in Hamburg between May 16 and May 20 2018 as part of the Mini-DebConf Hamburg to continue perl development work for Buster and to work on QA tasks across our 3500+ packages.

The participants had a good time and met other Debian friends. The sprint was productive:

  • 21 bugs were filed or worked on, many uploads were accepted.
  • The transition to Perl 5.28 was prepared, and versioned provides were again worked on.
  • Several cleanup tasks were performed, especially around the move from Alioth to Salsa in documentation, website, and wiki.
  • For src:perl, autopkgtests were enabled, and work on Versioned Provides has been resumed.

The full report was posted to the relevant Debian mailing lists.

The participants would like to thank the Mini-DebConf Hamburg organizers for providing the framework for our sprint, and all donors to the Debian project who helped to cover a large part of our expenses.

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